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Overall TN State Record: 302 miles set on 5/30/2018 by JAMES BARNARD, Age 31 |
Age | Distance (miles) | Name | DOB | Hometown | Race Location | Race Date | |
31 | 302 | JAMES BARNARD | ON FILE | CLINTON | ROCKWOOD | 5/30/2018 | |
36 | 186 | NATHAN McPETERS | ON FILE | PIGEON FORGE | ROCKWOOD | 5/30/2018 | |
40 | 218 | JEREMY REED | ON FILE | PIKEVILLE | ROCKWOOD | 5/30/2018 | |
43 | 52 | BRENT WOODARD | ON FILE | ROCKWOOD | ROCKWOOD | 5/30/2018 | |
47 | 246.03 | JOHN BROWER | ON FILE | KNOXVILLE | ROCKWOOD | 10/26/2022 | |
54 | 272 | JEFF WOODY | ON FILE | KNOXVILLE | ROCKWOOD | 5/30/2018 | |
There are 6 records shown in this list |