SC FEMALE 10 Km(You are not logged on)Home | |
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Overall SC State Record: 34:16 set on 4/6/2024 by Alyssa Bloomquist, Age 34 |
*Faster time but NonResident/NonCitizen of SC: 31:19 set on 4/5/1997 by Elana Meyer, Age 30 |
Age | Time | Name | DOB | Hometown | Race Location | Race Date | |
7 (0-7) | 58:00 | Clarie Bryant | ON FILE | Greenville | News-Piedmont | 3/22/1987 | |
9 (8-9) | 38:16 | Charity Fillmore | ON FILE | Beaufort | Springfest | 3/14/1992 | |
10 (10-11) | 37:35 | Charity Fillmore | ON FILE | Beaufort | Heart of Myrtle Beach | 10/24/1992 | |
12 (12-13) | 38:28 | Charity Fillmore | ON FILE | Beaufort | Bridge Run | 3/26/1994 | |
15 (14-15) | 39:58 | Diana Willard | ON FILE | Pelion | Whiskey | 9/7/2002 | |
17 (16-17) | 38:17 | Melissa Fairey | ON FILE | North Charleston | Bridge Run | 4/6/2013 | |
19 (18-19) | 39:10 | Elizabeth Bishop | ON FILE | Greenville | Reedy River | 3/6/1993 | |
30 (20-34) | 31:19* | Elana Meyer | ON FILE | South Africa | Bridge Run | 4/5/1997 | |
34 (20-34) | 34:16 | Alyssa Bloomquist | ON FILE | Simpsonville | Bridge Run | 4/6/2024 | |
38 (35-39) | 35:08 | Nancy Grayson | ON FILE | Columbia | Springfest | 3/11/1989 | |
41 (40-44) | 35:13 | Nancy Grayson | ON FILE | Columbia | Midnight Flight | 8/31/1991 | |
45 (45-49) | 38:02 | Rives O'Connell | ON FILE | Folly Beach | Sweet Tea | 11/12/2022 | |
50 (50-54) | 39:51 | Dian Ford | ON FILE | Piedmont | Oktoberfest | 10/22/2005 | |
55 (55-59) | 41:05 | Kerry Robinson | ON FILE | Meggett | Bridge Run | 3/28/2015 | |
62 (60-64) | 43:43 | Kerry Robinson | ON FILE | Meggett | Bridge Run | 4/2/2022 | |
65 (65-69) | 47:11 | Judy Phelps | ON FILE | Myrtle Beach | Bridge Run | 4/2/2016 | |
71 (70-74) | 50:08 | Judy Phelps | ON FILE | Myrtle Beach | International Drive | 4/3/2022 | |
75 (75-79) | 01:03:31 | Claudia Crawford | ON FILE | Simpsonville | Pink Ribbon Run | 9/24/2022 | |
80 (80-84) | 01:10:19 | Joyce Rasberry | ON FILE | Greenville | Spinx Run Fest | 10/28/2023 | |
87 (85-89) | 01:36:12 | Jane Gregorie | ON FILE | Yemassee | James Island Connector | 10/16/2021 | |
90 (90-94) | 02:11:07 | Mary Schall | ON FILE | Mount Pleasant | Bridge Run | 9/25/2021 | |
There are 21 records shown in this list |